Move your WordPress website to Google Sites

Want to make your WordPress website cheaper to own and simpler to use? Follow my guide to understand how you migrate your website from WordPress to Google Sites

Thinking about moving your WordPress website to Google Sites?

This blog article not only serves as a practical guide but also highlights the key considerations and benefits of making the switch from WordPress to Google Sites. It’s a decision that ultimately depends on your website’s needs and future growth plans.

Migrating from WordPress to Google Sites: A comprehensive guide

If you’re running your website on WordPress, whether self-hosted or via, you might be wondering if it's worth migrating to another platform. For some, Google Sites, a free and simplified platform, offers a refreshing alternative. Whether you’re tired of dealing with hosting issues, want a low-maintenance solution, or simply want a more intuitive interface, moving from WordPress to Google Sites could be an excellent choice. 

However, there are key considerations and differences between the platforms that need to be addressed. In this article, we’ll walk you through the benefits, factors to consider, and the logical steps to migrate your WordPress website to Google Sites successfully.

Understanding WordPress vs. Google Sites

Before diving into the migration process, it’s crucial to understand the key differences between WordPress and Google Sites. Both platforms offer the ability to create websites, but the scope and functionality differ significantly.

WordPress overview

WordPress powers around 40% of the internet, and its success is attributed to its flexibility, scalability, and a vast library of plugins and themes. There are two versions:

The key features of WordPress are as follows:

Google Sites overview

Google Sites, on the other hand, is designed for simplicity. It’s a free tool offered with any free Google account, or more typically as part of Google Workspace. Google Sites that allows users to quickly build a website without technical knowledge. It’s more suited for small websites, internal company portals, or personal projects.

Key features:

Benefits of migrating from WordPress to Google Sites

While WordPress is a robust platform, it may not be suitable for everyone, especially if you are looking for simplicity and ease of use. Here are some compelling reasons to consider migrating to Google Sites:

Simplicity and Ease of Use

Google Sites is incredibly intuitive and designed for users who want a simple website without technical complexity. With Google Sites, you won’t have to worry about plugins, updates, or managing hosting services. If your site is informational, with few complex features, this is a huge advantage.

No Hosting or Maintenance Costs

One of the key benefits of Google Sites is that it's free to use and comes with free hosting provided by Google. requires a paid hosting plan, and additional costs can add up if you need premium themes, plugins, or technical support. Google Sites eliminates these costs entirely.

Seamless Integration with Google Workspace

For users already invested in the Google ecosystem, the integration Google Sites offers is a big advantage. You can easily embed Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and more directly into your website. This is particularly useful for collaborative projects, internal websites, or sharing information with teams.

Security and Updates

With WordPress, you are responsible for managing your website's security, especially if you’re using the self-hosted version. You’ll need to install security plugins, update your software regularly, and monitor vulnerabilities. Google Sites is managed by Google, meaning you won’t need to worry about these security concerns, updates, or performance.

SEO and Analytics

While WordPress offers advanced SEO options through plugins like Yoast, Google Sites benefits from Google’s own search engine expertise. You can connect Google Sites to Google Analytics to track visitor data easily. For small, straightforward websites, Google Sites handles basic SEO automatically.

Mobile-Responsive Design

Google Sites ensures that your website is automatically responsive, meaning it will adjust to fit the screen size of mobile, tablet, and desktop devices without needing to tweak settings manually.

Key considerations before migrating

Before you begin the migration process, there are some factors you should consider:

Limitations of Google Sites

Backup your WordPress site

Before migrating, ensure that you have a full backup of your current WordPress site. This can be done manually or via plugins like UpdraftPlus. You’ll want to save all your posts, pages, images, and other assets to prevent any data loss during migration.

Migration of Content

Google Sites doesn’t have a direct WordPress import function. This means that content such as blog posts, images, and other media will need to be manually transferred or recreated.

Steps to migrate your website from WordPress to Google Sites

Step 1: Analyse your existing site

Before migrating, review your WordPress site to determine which content and features will be transferred. Google Sites is ideal for simpler websites, so if you have advanced features, such as forums, memberships, or eCommerce, these may not transfer over.

Step 2: Backup Your WordPress Site

As mentioned earlier, always start by backing up your entire WordPress site. You can do this via the WordPress dashboard using plugins like UpdraftPlus or manually exporting your database and files.

Step 3: Transfer Content to Google Sites

Google Sites does not support importing data directly from WordPress, so you will need to manually copy content. Here’s how you can approach this:

Step 4: Recreate Your Site Structure

On WordPress, you might have used categories, tags, and custom post types. Google Sites allows you to create pages and subpages but lacks categories and tags. You’ll need to manually recreate your navigation menu and structure.

Step 5: Redirect Domain (If Applicable)

If you’re using a custom domain on WordPress and want to use it for your new Google Sites, you’ll need to update your domain’s DNS settings. Google Sites allows custom domain mapping, but you will need to follow Google’s instructions to configure this correctly.

Step 6: Set Up Analytics

Connect your Google Sites website to Google Analytics to monitor traffic and user behavior. While it doesn’t offer as many advanced options as WordPress plugins, it will give you basic insights into how your site is performing.

Step 7: Test and launch

Before launching, preview your Google Sites website to ensure that everything is working as expected. Test all links, forms, and functionality to make sure nothing is broken during the migration process.

Factors to consider post-migration

Once your website is live on Google Sites, it’s essential to monitor its performance and ensure everything runs smoothly. Consider the following:

Final thoughts ...

Migrating from WordPress to Google Sites is a practical option for those seeking a simpler, low-maintenance website platform. While you may lose some flexibility and advanced functionality, the ease of use, integration with Google Workspace, and cost savings make it an easy and attractive choice for many users. There's a few examples of my WordPress to Google Sites migrations on my project website.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll ensure a smooth migration and have your new Google Sites website up and running in no time.

Speak to a Google Sites expert

If you want to know more about moving your WordPress website to Google Sites, drop me a line for a jargon and obligation free chat. Happy to help if I can!