What to ask yourself when planning a website

Thinking through a few of the basics of your website can accelerate the design and build process and make your website cheaper. It makes my life simpler too!

Planning your Google Sites website.

For me to build the website of your dreams, there's some stuff I need to know. (Any developer worth their salt will ask you this). If you can think of this stuff up front, it'll make the design process simpler and usually cheaper too. Here’s a list of essential questions you should consider when planning a website:

2. Content and structure.

3. Design and aesthetics.

4. Features and functionality

5. SEO and digital marketing.

6. Maintenance and updates.

7. Timeline and budget.

8. Legal and compliance.

9. Domain and hosting.

Ready to roll?

If you can answer some (or all) of these questions, why not fill in my quotation form for an accurate estimate of how long your project will take, and how much it will cost?